There is a funny sort of story associated with this suit. According to the shoe collector, she wore this suit for one meeting in London she said that went so badly, she doesn’t want to ever see the suit again. Upon further prodding, it wasn’t the meeting that went badly so much as the before and after. She wore the suit with a new pair of Ferragamo boots and upon arriving at the meeting, she stepped out of the cab and thought she twisted her ankle – the boots were so hurting her feet. She then went to the meeting. When she left the meeting, she said, she went back to her hotel and couldn’t get the Ferragamos off. She had to call for room service to help her get the boots off. It turned out she didn’t really twist her ankle, she had neglected to take some of the stuffing out of one boot. I was hysterical. Consequently, she told me to take the darn suit and list it. And list it I shall.
Stylishly Long Suit
Stylishly Long Suit (cached image)