The Keeper of the Orange Bowl and Her sister sites Three Crones and a Geezer,and A Crone and a Geezer have just obtain part of the estate of Eunice Billie and her sister Bessiebelle.
The Crones have spent days packing up boxes and transfering to our storage area also to refer to as the spare bedroom at the Crones house. These ladies never threw anything out, pack rats, some people (GEEZERS) would call them but we consider them kindred spirits. So watch in 2008 as we auction of these two interesting ladies treasures and their story unfolds.
Crone Keeper COMMENT; We have attached a picture to our sites of 2 little girls Bessiebell and Eunice Billie?,we don’t know. This was found in a pile of stuff that was headed for the trash heap, how sad.(The geezer made a frame for them and now they watch over the Crones)

Lady Cameo Lingerie
Lady Cameo Lingerie (cached image)