Although a sophisticated woman and one who appreciated lovely things, Mother never worn this scarf. It resided in her bottom dresser drawer for 20 years or so. So the story goes – Mother’s elderly friends from Paris where in town looking for a condo. Mother helped in their search. Once successful, they started back to Paris. While at the airport, Madame’s small carry-on was stolen. Monsieur, who was in an airport wheelchair, had put the bag down on the floor beside him while Madame was at the counter. When she returned, she asked about her bag. It was not to be found. And, it was never found. According to Mother, the bag contained a quanity of family jewelry. Also, when Madame had opened the bag to retrieve passports and such – it’s thought someone had recognized the various jewelry cases. Once back in Paris, and in kind appreciation of Mothers help with the house hunting and during that terribly upsetting time, Monsieur and Madame sent her this lovely scarf. We don’t think Mother wanted to remember the incident – thus, it remained in the bottom dresser drawer.
Hermes Paris Silk Scarf